Monday, May 10, 2010


A855 Droid. The iphone's worst bloody nightmare. Apple beware!

iphone-phone sure to attract pussy

Women! Will we ever understand these damn creatures? Yet, what we won't do for them I can't fathom. Men in years past have lied for women, fought over women and even killed for and because of women. I tell ya, they are a force to reckon with. The hot ones I mean.Most men will do anything to get a hot woman, including buying themselves a hot cellphone. Even if they have to beg their parents for the money, or lie that they need the money to buy textbooks(students will never cease to amaze me). Some even go to the bizarre extent of STEALING the fuckin cell phone they would give an arm to possess. Just so they can earn some pussy. Men! Will thou ever learn. Thouest knowest not that that thing you stealest for usually smellest really terrible? I,m sure thou knowest. Yet thou choosest to go to any length just for that hole. Anyway, studies according to yahoo have found out that possessing a hot phone(regardless of how the fuckest thou obtainest it) is a surefire way to get good juicy pussy. The study found out that women found guys who had iphones sexy.i bet soon enough they would be getting wetter for the geeks who favour the A855 Droid. Women! So bleeding dumb and materialistic. Who needs them? Now let me head to computer village to get my iphone.

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