Monday, May 17, 2010


Love I think I have mentioned in a past post is a very wicked thing. If you don't subscribe to the saying that it is blind, you must agree with me that it does the blinding. Love blinds. It blinds people to the truth, even though the truth is staring them in the eye. They do not see it, or choose not to see it, or act like they can't see it. 'It' being the fucking truth DUMMY! You can tryall you can to convince your boy that his 'sweet angel' is cheating on him, all you'll achieve is weight loss from excessive sweating or a broken jaw and ribs if you are unlucky plus an accusation that you want to break up what you can never have with your girlfriend.Your boy could even go as far as accusing you of always wanting to bang his girl since you laid eyes on her. So my advice to you good, caring friends-or maybe you are just jealous his bitch is finer than yours or you toasted her and she no gree-is that you stop disturbing him and accusing his sweet angel at every goddamed opportunity. Just give him these tips, these pointers to look out for.(If you don't know what pointers means go to school, read more books you ILLITERATE)
Here are the pointers:
  • Your sweet baby might be sharing the love around if all of a sudden she stops wanting to sex you up.Do you blame her? Hans is sexier by far, has a bigger dick by far, and more importantly, is more adept at using it. BY FUCKING FAR. Oh, lest I forget, he gives good head too. BY FAR!
  • she does not call you as often as she used to. Why should she? She is more interested in her new catch. Besides, Justin is more fun to be with.
  • her cell phone is more often than not switched off. She don't wanna talk to your ass. You are now old news.Period!
  • she comes back home late at night almost everynight without any good reasons. She had to finish an assigment at the office again. Na only she dey work?
  • she always seems to be in a huury when talking to you on the phone. Maybe she is having lunch with John,if she is not getting rammed in John's bed.
  • She is always quick to compare your sorry self to other men, making you seem smaller and less potent, IN EVERY SINGLE WAY. Use your brain man, she is having an affair with a model, a rockstar , a billionaire, a neuro scientist , a neurosurgeon, or a politician. God knows those bastards(sleazy politicians) especially in Nigeria steal enough money to feed a whole continent. Or maybe a PORN ACTOR, WHATEVER. The fact is that compared to them she feels you are INFERIOR. And maybe you are.
  • She does not appreciate anything you do anymore and nags and whines about everything.'Must every evening gown you buy for me be dark blue or red?' But that used to be her favourite colour. You just can't please her anymore and are at a loss as regards what to do about the situation.
  • Complains that you are not more fun in bed and don't know how to pleasure her anymore. Sometimes she does some strange tricks and styles you have never seen, never knew she could do, never knew even existed. ' Baby I don't orgasm anymore.Am tired of these boring styles. Let's try something different.Let's do the MACHINE GUN style' You are like, what the fuck is that? My friend Donald taught her this afternoon.
  • She suddenly likes styles and positions she has always hated. All of a sudden she is begging for doggie like a little whore. Or giving you blowjob like an Obalende or Thai whore. Things she said only sluts did. You can be sure Patrick has changed her point of view man.

Look, I could go on and on so there will definitely be a part two. Most definitely! I hate cheating and to me I am involved in a crusade against it in any form. I love to see couples happy, but I strongly feel, it's better to be happy single than to be sad married, engaged or in any other kind of relationship. Ciao fellas.

Doctor Loveall.

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