Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hands spread in celebration of a terrific goal
Ronaldo dribbles past hapless mallorca defenders

Boy whoever missed this match should really be shaking his head in very great regret. At first Mallorca played like they were possessed by very strong demons, or even the devil himself. They went after every ball like dogs after a bitch on heat and dived in in very severe tackles. Indeed, they even scored first- and I doubt if anyone was surprised considering the swagger they were playing with. But Real Madrid were very lucky. They possessed a very special weapon and that weapon made all the difference at the end of the day. When their backs were against the wall and they needed a hero, indeed a saviour, the boy, the hitman named Christiano Ronaldo rose to the challenge.In fact, it was almost CHRISTIANO RONALDO vs MALLORCA!He almost single-handedly turned the game around, scoring his first ever hat trick for the merengues(his second ever in his career) and bringing the score line to 3-1. Higuain finished the scoring of the game, bringing the scoreline to 4-1. What a game of football it was! Ronaldo definitely showed the world why he was deemed to be worth the transfer fee his employers deemed him to be worth.He quite single-handedly revived his club's chase after the spanish league title. When things looked real bleak for his team, when they had their backs against the wall, he rosed up to the occasion and got them the victory. Like every truly BIG player does. If his performances so far in his debut season with an unstable Madrid side do not earn him the plaudits of critics and earn him the title of a GREAT player -or at least a great striker- I wonder what will. Really, what else has the fella got to do?

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