Friday, January 14, 2011


Boy, this life is crazy no be small. I was at a cybercafe- in which one can also play video games and snooker- or should I say an entertainment cafe in Festac Town (23 road to be precise) and was minding my business surfing the net for bitches to poke when a group of boys who seemed to know one another minimally struck up a conversation., or an argument. Can you guess the argument? Well, if you guessed it had to do with sports, you are definitely right. If you guessed it had to do with football, once again you are definitely right. Of course that could not have been too hard a guess to hazard. In Nigeria SPORTS IS SYNONYMOUS WITH FOOTBALL- or soccer as those odd Yankees call it. What was the subject of the argument? Did Messi deserve to be the 2010 player of the year?

Four of the boys(I think they were 9 or ten in total) were firmly of the belief that Messi was deserving of the honour bestowed upon him very recently. Three or four were of the opinion that it should have gone to his Barcelona teammate Andres Iniesta while the remainder felt that Xavi Hernandes, Barcelona's mid-field maestro should have clinched the title. I listened as the argument gradually degenerated into something else. Insults and counter-insults started to fly. Threats and counter-threats were made. At some point I just had to ask myself:"Is it worth it?" I mean, all the threats and abusive words, all the fucking sweating and over-heating of the bloody brain, just for another man's business. Just for another man's life. Whether Messi won, or Xavi or Iniesta won, who the fuck cares. Just see men who could some day become best of friends say stupid shit to each other, over a matter that not one of them will get paid for. A matter that won't put bread on their tables or bitches in their beds. Stupid fools.

At some point the number of boys involved in the argument swelled to about 15. Imagine fifteen grown males talking and shouting their opinions at the same time. Some customers in the cxafe just could not bear it and left. It was bloody terrible. You know what staunched the progression of the argument to blows? Soe Real Madrid fan had the guts to say that none of the Barca players should have taken the coveted title. It should have gone to Wesley Sneidjer of Inter Milan or Christiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid. At that, all the Barca fans stopped arguing amongst themselves and turned on the Real Madrid fan. They had a common enemy now. The argument then changed to: Real Madrid or Barca, which team is better. Me, I don't care too much about all that. Whether I say Real or Barca I won't get a kobo for that. So fuck em all.

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