Sunday, April 15, 2012


Photo: AFP/Getty Images . Found at
Photo: AFP/Getty Images . Found at

The man you are looking at is Livorno player Morosini Piermario, the 25 year old Italian Serie B player that collapsed and died yesterday (Saturday, April 14th 2012) during a match between his club (Livorno) and Pescara . He was formerly at Udinese until January of this year. The crazy thing I would like to point out here is the way nobody is making racist comments concerning his demise as they did when Patrice Muamba of Bolton Wanderers suffered almost the same fate just a few weeks ago. Because he happens to be a white guy nobody is talking trash about him. No one is talking about his being unfit or being a rubbish player who deserved his fate, as people implied concerning Muamba. At least Muamba had the good sense no to die. This beggars the following question: Why do people of european descent (I am generalising now) have to always be so silly and racist for no reason ? Also, why do people of other races TAKE such insults and not GIVE back? I mean, when a footballer collapses on the pitch and die at the age of 25, one could argue that he must have been slacking on his fitness regime. But no one is saying shit. Anyway, rest in peace boy. I will end it there.