Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the ugly mug of the man I failed to add to my last post. suck ur dick if u mad at me


Finally, that mofucka Ghaddafi, Qaddaffi, Kadaffi or whatever his mofuckin name is has been cornered. I would have loved to say subdued, or better still defeated, but just like a cockroach, the man refuses to die or drown in the toilet water. He still manages to remain defiant and call on the mothers and children of Libya to fight for their country. About 2,3 or 4 days ago, called on them tofight against the foreigners (NATO) that are trying to take their country from them and rob them blind (like they did to Afghanistan and Iraq, he seems to be suggesting). He could be right though. At least he has a point, a point expressed by not a few people. I mean, could this "aiding" of the Libyan rebels- some call it full-fledged foreign invasion- be another ploy by U.S and its allies and fellow political manipulators to gain acvcess to another sovereign nation's oil? I mean, look at the companies that were awarded oil contracts and all other kinds of contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan after the "invasion" or "interference" of the U.S and her allies. They were virtually Americanand NATO companies? Was that not a kind of reward for the parts they played in the invasion. A kind of distribution of the war booty. (Booty here by the way does not mean a woman's backside, you ignorant louts! It means the spoils of war). Or worse still, that could have been the whole point, the only reason for their "invasion" or "interference".

That's not to say anyway that Ghaddaffi or Qaddaffi did not deserve it. He was a wicked bastard who gave unalloyed support to the Sudanese President who loved nothing more than to see black sudanese get killed. His regime was also responsible for the torture and deaths of numerous black (African) migrant workers in Libya. He trully deserves what has come to him, and much worse! But hang on..................... the rebels are doing quite the same thing. They are now arresting, torturing and killing innocent africans (the original owners of all the lands in Africa) using the false claims that these africans are Gadaffi mercernaries. The vast majority of these africans are just innocent migrant workers making an honest living. Africans are getting mobbed and lynched in almost every part of Libya at the moment. Are these Libyans aware that there are Libyans living in other parts of Africa and the world as a whole ? Do they know that their actions make it hard for these Libyans to live in those African countries? After all the arabs have done to africans- the trans-sahara slave trade- they still have the guts to do this to us again. We True Africans have to stop fighting ourselves and fight those who fight us! We blacks have to put aside petty differences and stand as one. That way, the whites and Arabs will be deterred from fuckin wit us. They will learn the true meaning of frican strenght. A word is enough for the wise.